Vivência docente na escola pública : trajetória de uma identidade profissional / Teatching life in public school : trajectory of a professional identity




This work has the purpose of analyzing the trajectory of the professional life of ten educators that actuate in classroom for at least fifteen years, in public schools in Maceió city, leading with students from the 1st to the 4th school years, in order to understand how the identity making process develops itself concerning their profession. The methodological approach used was the analysis of the speech. The main recourse for collecting information was the recorded interviews, in which we got description of the professional activity including the graduation period of the educators up to present days. From this point, we had reports about the way gone through for formation of professional identity, also considering goals and expectance that contributed to their experience as teachers. As a reference point, we have got the vision of identity proposed by Stuart Hall, that supposes identity in a movement where there is not a nuclear fixity. All identity is made during all the trajectory of the life process. Also were used documents elaborated by the Bureau of Fundamental Education of the Education Ministry ( Secretaria de Educação Fundamental do Ministério da Educação). The research showed a general professional identity crisis resulting of a theoretical instability of social, political and economical new context. This ambiguous movement may produce crisis due to the necessity of persistent adaptation of the educators to a new work.


modernization of education educacao formação docente professional identity teachers knowledge modernização da educação identidade profissional teaching graduation profissão docente teachers profession saberes docentes

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