Visualização de dados geográficos dirigida pelo modelo conceitual OMT-G / Visualization of geographical data driven by the OMT-G conceptual model




Even though users from various knowledge domains are familiar with the data they work with, most of the time they do not know the coding and the structure used for their storage in database management systems, nor the most adequate ways to visualize and analyze those data. In practice, users actively participate in the creation of conceptual schemas for applications development, while later they are required to interact with the physical database schema in order to perform visualization or analysis tasks. In this context, this thesis proposes MAVI, a method to support information visualization. This method guides the user about the selection of visualization techniques for geographic data, characterized by their spatial, temporal, and descriptive attributes. The method is based on the connection between an OMT-G conceptual schema and a corresponding physical schema, in order to create a structure that allows the retrieval of physical representation characteristics from names and terms used in the conceptual design. In parallel to that, a catalog of visualization techniques has been created, describing the characteristics of the input data required by each technique and the types of analysis that the technique can provide. By cross-comparing the characteristics of the data with the requirements of the techniques, the user, based only on terms and concepts that are familiar to him, can obtain a list of visualization techniques that are adequate for his purposes. The main contribution of the thesis includes the direct interaction of the user with terms from the conceptual schema, generating results that are based on the underlying physical database schema.


information visualization sistemas de informação geográfica (sig) computer science visualização da informação visualização dirigida por modelo conceitual geographical information system gis data visualization driven by the conceptual model visualização de dados geográficos visualization of the geographical data computação aplicada

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