Visual performance in myopic correction with spectacles and soft contact lenses / "Desempenho visual na correção de miopia com óculos e lentes de contato gelatinosas"




Objective: to evaluate the visual performance(VP) by Visual acuity(VA)Logmar of high contrast, sensibility of contrast(SC) and wavefront (WF) in myopic patients correct with spectacles and 3 SCL Methods: prospective clinical trial was performed in 40 myopic patients(-1,00 D and -4,50 D). Exams: VA, WF and CS. Results: The WF analysis detected a significant difference in a third order aberration with and without SCL. There was significant difference related to trefoil coefficient in VP between with and without SCL. Conclusion: In VP evaluation with spectacles and SCL the wavefront analysis was more sensible measure of VP when compared with high contrast VA Logmar and CS.


lentes de contato/estatística &dados numéricos visual acuity contrast sensitivity sensibilidades de contraste contact lenses/statistics &numerical data eyeglasses/utilization myopia/therapy Óculos/utilização acuidade visual prospective studies miopia/terapia estudos prospectivos

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