Viral characterization of isolates associated to yellow passion fruit woodiness disease (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa O. Deg) from Livramento de Nossa Senhora, Brazil / CaracterizaÃÃo de isolados virais associados ao endurecimento de frutos do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. Flavicarpa O. Deg) provenientes de Livramento de Nossa Senhora, Brasil




Ten viral isolates, collected from passion fruit plants with fruit woodiness symptoms, growing in commercial crops from Livramento de Nossa Senhora, in southeastern Bahia â Brazil, were studied. They were mechanically inoculated in plants of 5 botanical families and one genomic fragment of coat protein region, amplified with specific primers for Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV), and then analyzed. Every virus isolate induced systemic symptoms in N. benthamiana, soybean, bean cv. Preto 153 and cowpea cvs. Clay and PitiÃba. The identity among the 10 isolates ranged between 90% (LNS-2 and LNS-8) and 98% (LNS-9 and LNS-4, LNS-5 and LNS-6) and the amino acid identity varied from 82% (LNS-2 and LNS-8) to 98% (LNS-4 and LNS-9). When compared with CABMV isolates from GenBank, the LNS-2 showed a low amino acid identity, with the lowest one reaching 74%, suggesting that it could be a different virus species. However, a more accurate analysis of the entire genome of Brazilian CABMV isolates should be done before the final conclusion. The phylogenetic trees showed four distinct groups, with the LNS-2 and DQ397525 keeping some distance from other isolates in their respective clades. Data results showed that the viral isolates, which cause fruit woodiness in passion fruit plants, present a high genetic variability in the coat protein region.



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