Violência sexual contra criança e adolescente sob o olhar dos profissionais de saúde em Boa Vista-Roraima: limites e desafios


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to deepen the theme of the sexual violence against children and adolescents. It is a study whose objective is to analyze the health policy attendance when facing the sexual violence related to the social rights proposed by the doctrine of the full protection recommended by the Brazilian Statute of The Child and Adolescent ECA. In order to understand the complexity of this phenomenon, a qualitative approach was chosen by means of documental analysis completed by semi-structured interviews with health professionals from Santo Antonio Hospital of Child and Our Lady of Nazareth Maternal Child Hospital, both located in Boa Vista, the capital city of Roraima State, who take care of children and adolescents that suffered sexual violence. This study discusses the concepts of violence against children and adolescents, its forms and expressions, its conceptual difficulties and related laws, taking into consideration the juridical changes as well as the insertion of the sexual violence in the discussion and reivindication agenda of the local, national and international political scenery, in function of the updating transformations of the State when providing public policies. In this meaning, this work deals with the public policies of attention to childhood and adolescence and its consequences in the historical context in which the feeling of childhood and adolescence is presented to modernity. This work still analyzes the inclusion of the subject violence in the agenda of the Brazilian Public Health System SUS which brought the political focus on recognizing the citizenship and the guaranty of the full attention to childs and adolescents health. The process of data analysis was done by means of analysis and explicative categories which were structured in four parts or thematic axles: professionals conceptions about sexual violence; conditions of attendance; the net articulation and the health limits and challenges to resolve the sexual violence.


política de saúde criança e adolescente violência sexual servico social child and adolescent sexual violence health policy

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