Violência escolar: verso e reverso das sociabilidades contemporâneas




This dissertation is a study of the many faces that violence at schools can occur and its impact on teaching. Our objective is a contribution to studies about relationship between violence and school, understanding the violences ambiguity. In the other words, the violence as constitutive of the education act through the limitations that the principles of collective experience inflict and the destructive ways it can acquire. We emphasize the consequences that incivilities as invisible, small or hidden manifestations from schools violence to bring to school every day, eroding relations established in school. Its axis was the empirical research and literature, mainly in social sciences theories, but also using other areas of knowledge such as philosophy and psychology in order to obtain an interdisciplinary look on the phenomenon. Finally, as a result of this study, we analyzed observations made with the school teachers surveyed, showing that in the school there are several ways to approach violence at school, and this aproach is one of many others, where I found clues to elucidate the complexity of Brazil s actual school


ciencias sociais aplicadas violence at school violencia na escola teaching practice violência escolar incivilidades incivilities prática docente professores e alunos

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