Villa-Lobos compositional processes, a theoretic guide / Processos composicionais de Villa-Lobos : um guia teorico




This work aims to explore the compositional aspects of Villa-Lobos’ music, searching his process, techinics and procedures. A great deal of importance was given to the points of contact between Villa-Lobos and his contemporaries as Debussy, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Varèse and Bartók. Therefore, a huge amount of works was analysed, written for several instrumental and/or vocal ensembles, compreending all stages of the composer’s career. Among the works we can see on the last chapter Amazonas and Choros 8 e 10, although the remaining chapters covers another structural aspects in works as A Prole do Bebê piano suites 1 e 2, As Três Marias, the 12 guitar studies, Suíte Sugestiva, Quarteto Simbólico, Uirapuru, Choros nºs 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, etc. The focused processes encompass Villa-Lobos’ procedures such as symmetry, texture, figuration, harmonic and rythmic structure.


musica brasileira nationalism musica (composição) apreciação nacionalismo modernismo musica - analise brazilian music musical analysis composition modernism music

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