Vila Bela da Santissima Trindade - MT : sua fala, seus cantos




This work is centered in a study about the memory of the people of "Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade" - MT, starting from certain linguistic marks present in the songs of the dance of Chorado and in the songs and text of the embassy of Congo. The first chapter brings some information about the historical, cultural and linguistic aspects of "Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade". The second chapter is introduced by the concept about Festivity. Starting from this concept, we made a description about the parties of Divine Espirito Santo, of São Benedito, of Congo, dances of Chorado and at, last, the party of "Santíssima Trindade". The third chapter consists in the analysis about some linguistic marks selected previously of the songs and of the text of the embassy, which starting from them we discussed some aspects of the memory of the people of "Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade". And at last, the work shows us that the party of Congo, from profane character, still exercises its sovereignty about the parties from religious character and, that by the analyzed linguistic marks, several evidences indicated how being the "vila-belenses" originating from the banto group


sociolinguistica raça negra cultura memoria (filosofia) festas populares - vila bela da santissima trindade (mt)

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