Vicissitudes na constituição da identidade de gestão em gestores da educação profissional e tecnológica : um estudo exploratório




The question that guides this research inserts itself in the possibility to investigate and understand the role of the unconscious dimension in the vicissitudes of the identity constitution of managers of the educational institution, specially the Instituto Federal Sudeste de Minas Gerais Campus Rio Pomba. The theoretical psychoanalytical subsidy is used as a referential point to obtain the proposed objects. We recognize that the unconscious emerges from all situations into institutions and appears suddenly, so we look for demonstrate as the identity forms itself with the contribution of the group in which we participate. At our work we could observe subjective questions and interests of certain groups appear as generators of conflicts and differences. The power relations bring in their selves a web of indisposition that makes the managers a target of conflicts inside of the institution and many times takes them to confusion between the personal project and the collective project. The research consists, then to understand through the qualitative boarding what are the possible unconscious effects in these plots in which occur to teaching establishment, and like vicissitudes in the identity formation of managers can bring and/or reveal the marks of this process in its constitution. Five managers, in the institution, have been inquired about different functions, and we had as main contrivances: the interview and the educative memory. The result evidences the Freudian basis of a psychoanalytical thinking about the institution in which the identification reveals itself as being that intermediary formation which maintains together the institution members and the own institution. It is evident that the person wastes and gains in this gathering process. The studied vicissitudes demonstrate these intermediary formations and the identifications that occur inside an institution of professional and technological education.


inconsciente identidade psychoanalysis unconscious identity educacao managers and power relation gestores e relação de poder psicanálise

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