Viagem aos becos e travessas da tradição pragmática da Ciência da Informação: uma leitura em diálogo com Wittgenstein




Owing to the urgency of epistemological and philosophic types of works in Information Science, the present research made a theoretical reading of the group of manifestations which identify the construction of a thoughts tradition in the area of Information Science, here named pragmatic tradition. The offered reading has as a dialog the pragmatist philosophy of Wittgenstein, once that the focus of the philosopher presents itself as an element that influences the informative pragmatism in its recent approaches as much as its contributes to the explaining of the horizons of this group of manifestations in a retrospective look. The development of a historical and epistemological study, directed to the comprehension of the informative epistemologys pragmatic tradition, presents itself as the main goal of the research. Starting from this perspective, the investigation sought, during the journey, to identify pragmatic fragments which go adding in the construction of the areas epistemology, placing them next to linked social, politic institutional and scientific contexts; contextualize the pragmatic informative tradition in to the Science and the Information Science; to describe the main narratives of a pragmatic tradition in the informative studies; to debate the informative pragmatism dialoguing with Wittgensteins pragmatism; to think about the unfoldments of the narratives of the pragmatic traditions on the informative practices. To the execution of this goal, the epistemology of the knowledges area of organizations studies, sometimes mistaken to the construction of the expression Information Science, is revised and historical and cumulative signs of a wide historiography can be visualized, without necessarily obey the denial of a rupture situation. Because of it, the present investigation bases itself on the historical epistemology of Gaston Bachelard, as methodological orientation for the proposed epistemological exploration, and sought, starting from the concepts of rupture and tradition, to bring elements for the contribution of manifestations directed to linguistic, sociologic and anthropologic types of approaches on the Information Science. The structural concepts of Wittgensteins pragmatist line of thinking namely games of language, grammar, familys resemblance and life form contributed to the identification of the informative pragmatic traditions constitution, which searches trough a historical line in the studies of knowledge organization, passes by the Librarianship of humanistic type and reach the theoretical manifestations of Information Sciences epistemology.


epistemologia teses. pragmatismo teses ciência da informação teses.

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