Vesicular localization of immunoreactive [Met5]enkephalin in the globus pallidus.


The distribution of enkephalin immunoreactivity in the neuropil of globus pallidus was analyzed with a quick-freezing, postembedment-staining technique for light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Fluorescence images of ultrathin sections on glass slides, obtained with a silicon-intensified-tube (type) video camera, revealed staining in the form of scattered fluorescent dots, each 200-400 nm in diameter. Colloidal gold staining under the electron microscope was associated with 80- to 100-nm vesicles of average electron density, widely dispersed in the neuropil, with usually one and no more than four vesicles in individual sectioned neuronal processes. Analysis of fluorescence images in paired serial sections of thicknesses varying from 25 to 150 nm proved that the 200- to 400-nm dots of fluorescence came from smaller structures, presumably the 80- to 100-nm vesicles. Enkephalinergic vesicles in the globus pallidus were nearly always found in what appeared to be axons of passage and were only infrequently associated with synaptic profiles.

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