Vertical integration and financeirization: the case of the agro-industrial sector in Brazil. / Integração vertical e financeirização: o caso da agroindústria processadora de grãos no Brasil.




This work searched to know the justifications for use of the vertical integration in the agro-industrial sector in presence of recent and contrary movements of deverticalisation about this strategy. The main motivation of the study was the search for the understanding of the relationship between the vertical integration strategy and the called phenomenon financialization that has exerted, among others factors, influence in decisions related to the capital immobilization. The method selected for the work was the study of multiple cases and because great difficulty to access the selected companies it was opted to developing only two cases, but that they represent the greaters agro-industries installed in Brazil. The main results had been grouped in five parts: related to the theoretical quarrel, being distinguished it perception of influence of the financialization in both the strategies (vertical integration and de-verticalisation) existing some bigger incidence of the phenomenon in markets with de-verticalisation form; relative to the sectorial behavior, which historical arguments and of business-oriented the agro-industrial sector had been evidenced specific characteristic that justify the maintenance in the fertilizer segment as form to optimize the operations in the segment of grains; description of the reasons for the according to perspective from strategy in the operations environment; justifications for the according to perspective from verticalisation in the business-oriented environment; and a conclusive synthesis. One perceived in the study, among others conclusions, is that the strategy, in case that it is not subjects to the phenomenon of the financialization, at least takes care of to its requirements, being that the form as it occurs and the results (financial and operational) decurrent guarantee the aspects demanded for the Shareholder Value movement. At last, to the end of the study the main limitations of the work are told, as well as some proposals of its continuation.


estratégia financeirização vertical integration de-verticalisation shareholder value integração vertical shareholder value strategy financialization desverticalização

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