Verificação de framework conceitual de avaliação do desempenho de equipes-cliente: investigação a partir da construção de mapas cognitivos de profissionais de TI atuantes em projetos de implantação ERP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




With high degree of breadth on the organisation and interdependence with its processes, the deployment of integrated management systems (ERP Enterprise Resource Planning) is not a simple task. Project management failures, unmet expectations, lengthy deployment deadlines and costs that reach up to five times the value of product licensing itself are among the factors that stimulate the development of research on the organizational consequences of deploying such systems and managerial factors that influence or hinder the success of deployments. It can be seen a predominance of technical focus on the issues inherent in deploying ERP. However, it s growing discontent with the inability of that focus to explain some important aspects in CISS projects. In fact, software development is a complex sociotechnical activity, whose success lies in the collective sense of work teams as to their efficiency and ability to solve problems in joint effort. Accordingly, the focus of research, even in those involving technical and social prospects, has prioritized the technology provider teams performance, or development teams, thus ignoring completely the performance of its counterpart in the success of a deployment the customer team. Working on this subject, Bellini (2006) proposed a conceptual framework, METRICS, for planning, control and evaluation support on the performance of the "CuTe" (customer teams), in implementing customized information systems software (CISS). The framework was applied in the execution of a major project ERP deployment in southern Brazil, adopting case study and indepth interviews with analysts, developers and users-keys (lead users) from the system. Considering the relevance of this discussion, the demand for validation of theoretical models, the calling to methodological diversity in the field and regional differences that may interfere in this validation, this dissertation seeks answer to question: the METRICS framework members constructs are verifiable from the construction of cognitive maps of professionals engaged in CISS projects in Brazilian Northeast? Aiming, therefore, to obtain empirical evidence that contribute to a new and original assessment of the original theoretical constructs and nomological networks contained within the framework. Data collection to answer the research question was enlighted by the theory of personal constructs and repertory grid method, integrated with laddering techniques and content analysis, applied on interviews with 16 professionals involved in CISS projects, while the outcomes were discussed from the socio-technical perspective of work systems. With 68 measures empirically verified, 77.3% METRICS framework found backing in professional practice of individuals engaged in CISS projects in the Brazilian states of Bahia, Paraíba and Pernambuco. Discussion of conceptual and theoretical results suggests METRICS frameworks actuality, as well as its suitability for broader research on professional management and IT teams.


repertory grid implantação de sistemas erp desempenho de equipes administracao teams performance erp employment repertory grid

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