Verificação da influência da temperatura do ar e chuva no Distrito Federal na dengue




The main objectives of this work were to investigate the dengues boom in the Federal District of Brazil in the year of 2002 and to identify environmental factors and climatic patterns that favoured the proliferation of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. We used data from the State Secretariat of Health in the Federal District (SES/DF), Company for Environmental Sanitation of Federal District (CAESB) and Embrapa Cerrados. The data were processed in the SPRING 4.2 GIS software. According to the results, the climatic indicators, mainly the air temperature, presented high correlation with the local factors of risk and deserve higher attention in the desease monitoring and control.


sistema de informação geográfica data climáticos dengue system as of this data geographic dados climáticos dengue geografia

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