Vénh Jykré e Ke Ha Han Ke : permanência e mudança do sistema jurídico dos Kaingang no Tibagi




This doctoral dissertation presents an ethnographic and historical analysis of the legal system of the Kaingang indigenous peoples of southern Brazil, understood here as their culturally constituted perception, practice and sense of justice, that serves as an important symbolic and organizational structure for them. Specific focus is given to the legal system of the Kaingang of the five Indigenous Lands located in the Tibagi River Basin. In the face of constant changes produced by internal Kaingang cultural processes and those generated by historical processes of interethnic relations with the dominant national society which is able to impose its will upon Kaingang practices, their legal system has remained a key organizing force undergirding their socio-symbolic structure and as an important source of sentiments for the Kaingang of today.


perícias antropológicas antropologia juridicidade relações interétnicas pluralismo jurídico etno-direito kaingang poder sistemas jurídicos indios

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