"Velhas" ferramentas e "novos" arranjos para a universalização do acesso à informação : prosa rural e minibibliotecas




In the beginning of the 2000s the Brazilian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Embrapa) went through a change in orientation that led it to favor aiming to scientific diffusion a vision founded on promoting the management of research results of its other Centers. This thesis analyzes how this change took place, taking as the basis two of Embrapas actions that aim to popularize science: the radio program Prosa Rural [Country Chat] and the Minibibliotecas project [Minilibraries]; both of them were created in 2003 under the impact of the Zero Hunger Program, a Brazilian federal governments public policy that, by reinforcing in Embrapa its commitment to rural sustainable development, made it possible to break with traditionally restricted processes and to support and reinforce capacity-building actions and pedagogical support in activities related to formal, informal and non-formal education of young people and small rural producers, in special of family farmers. As this thesis supports, both actions under analysis are broadcast by means of old tools (radio waves and library) that received in Embrapa new arrangements brought about both by establishing partnerships and through innovative information management technologies. These tools today consist of scientific diffusion instruments aimed to information access democratization and therefore to universalization of access to knowledge, and to social inclusion. Thus, the discussion hereby focuses mainly on activities of management of technological content in Embrapa. These activities aim to make such content accessible and adequate to reading by different publics, among which, in special, those who are excluded from the formal processes of access to knowledge produced by Embrapa. From the historic analysis made on the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Ater), we extracted the criticism of vertical relations characteristic of diffusionist models inherent to the technological packages, and we underscored that it is within public Aters discussions that propositions of new scientific diffusion models are made, supported by the realization of arrangements internal and external to research institutions such as Embrapa and in search of the horizontality of actions in new dialogical models.


outros universalização do conhecimento social inclusion universalization of knowledge difusão científica scientific diffusion inclusão social

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