Variabilidade espacial da umidade da densidade do solo em um latossolo roxo




The objetives of this work are: a) the study of the variability of the soil moisture eontent and of the bulk density through elassieal statisties methods and geostatisties; b) enphasite the importanee of representative sampling in soils and eheeking assumption eoneerning the independenee of samples and homogeneity of soils; e) evaluation the water eontent distribution in the soil along the time and to verify the existeney of a relation between soil moisture eontent and a relation between bulk density in two different depths (30 and 60 em) using sealing semivariogramsi d) verify the influenee of the spatial variability in the soil moisture eontent and bulk density in the calibration of a neutron probe. The experiment tests it was implanted a culture of lab-lab on an experimental area of 120x160 m. The data acquisitionof the variables in study was made through a sistematic sampling with 20 m lag between samples. Samples and determinations were obtained at 30 and 60 cm of depth. The soil moisture eontent was determinated was carried out in a "Latossolo Roxo. , at the "Centro Experimental" of the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Fazenda Santa Eliza), in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. During the 138 along the time by the gravimetric method; the buk density was evaluated using the volumetric ring method. A neutron probe (model SOLO 25S equipped with an Americium-Berilum font of 1,48 GBq (40 mCi)) was used to evaluate the soil moisture content in three different dates. Using the experimental values of soil moisture content and bulk density the statistical moments were calculated. It was possible to recognize a normal distribution and low deviations for these variables. The experimental semivariograms showed proportionateness among the experimental periods for soil moisture contento The bulk density also showed proportionateness for the two depths. It was not possible to calibrate the neutron probe due to the small variation of soil moisture content during the experimental period


solos - densidade latossolos solos - umidade

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