Vão e desvãos do eu na ficção tardia de Clarice Lispector




The present dissertation searchs for the deletion of the boundaries between autobiograghy and fiction in Clarice Lispectors late literary work (the texts published in the seventies), focusing on the following books: The stream of life (1973), Body crucifixion (1974) and The hour of the star (1977). In this time a radical change occured in the authors writings due to she was involved in new aesthetic projects whose elements differ from her previous books. Lispector tends to indicate in some of her last narratives the circumstances of production of these books, providing her readers with references about time and place of these productions, and also some information about her personal story at the moment of the writing. Her autobiographical experiences which characterize Lispectors late literary work had a close connection with her production of weekly chronicles for Jornal do Brasil from 1967 to 1973. The writers mode of composition changed as well in the seventies, Lispector emphasized the heterogeneous mode, on the contrary, in her first books the homogeneous mode prevailed. This heterogeneous characteristic was also present in the language, for the author mixed sublime passages with other writings in a colloquial and, even, offensive style. In her last years, Clarice Lispector seemed to be very involved in a theme which became usual in her fiction in that decade: the existence of poverty in the world. Furthermore, Clarice added to her fiction themes concerning social cruelties, as prostitution and social crimes. However, these facts do not represent only themes in the writers narrative, but the condition itself why she wrote


autobiografia mudanças changes análise do discurso lispector, clarice, 1925-1977 estilo literário literatura brasileira ficção pessoalidade autobiography crônica autobiografia na literatura chronicle fiction lispector, clarice, 1925-1977 crítica e interpretação personal

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