Valoração, cobrança pelo uso da água e a gestão das bacias hidrográficas do Alto Iguaçu e afluentes do Alto Ribeira : uma abordagem econômico-ecológica / Valuation, charging for water use and managemente of Alto Iguaçu and tributaries of the Alto Ribeira watersheds : an economic-ecological approach


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The degradation of the natural system throughout the century XX can be characterized by the upward trend and close relationship with the scale of economic activity, which requires increasing amounts of natural resources as a source of inputs as a source for the absorption of waste. Thus, what was once considered a good or service provided free by the natural system, for example, freshwater, flood control, soil fertility, etc., in recent years is associated with rising costs. In this context, the availability of water has become an object of constant concern on the part of several public and private. This concern resulted in the development and deployment of watershed management, which aims to promote the rational use, preservation, and improvement of water of quality. In 1997, Brazil created the Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (National Policy of Water), which recognized the economic value of water and allow charging for the right use. However, the valuation process and pricing of water was not a trivial task for the Watershed Committees. The definition of "water price" in Brazil has been realized in an arbitrary manner in which the main criteria have been the least impact on cost spreadsheet users. Another peculiar aspect of water management is the treatment of isolated components of the ecosystem, ignoring the interdependence ecosystem. In this sense, the main objective of this research is applying in the Alto Iguaçu and Afluentes do Alto Ribeira Watersheds, located in Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, new procedures for ecological-economic valuation process of ecosystem services responsible for the supply of freshwater of quality, to support the establishment of a water pricing policy, as well as the establishment of Payment Environmental Services (PES) schemes. Ecosystem Assessment of the watersheds with support InVEST Model showed that the recovery of the riparian forest, adaptation of the land-use according to their use capacity or usability, and adoption of the conservation practices by farmers could increase the freshwater availability in 878 million cubic meters per year, reduce freshwater consumption in 330 million cubic meters per year, reduce the soil loss in almost 80 million tons per year, and raise the total carbon storage in 36 million tons, in addition to improving freshwater of quality. In summary, the intervention in improving the quality of supply water will also affect the provision of other ecosystem services, so the watershed management can not be considered in isolation of the components of the ecosystem, but the ecosystem as a whole.


bacias hidrograficas - administração valoração econômico-ecológica avaliação ambiental watersheds management valuation ecological-economic ecosystem assessment

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