Validation and reproducibility of two specific questionnaires to assess Quality of Life of Patients with Ovarian Cancer / Validação e reprodutibilidade de dois questionários específicos para avaliar qualidade de vida de pacientes com câncer de ovário


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Ovarian cancer is considered the main cause of death among gynecological tumors. Therefore, ovarian cancer patients have presented higher survival rates due to advances in treatments and it becomes necessary to discuss quality of life. Aim: Validate and analyze the reliability of two questionnaires in the literature, namely OV28-EORTC and FACT-O and assess comprehension, preference and acceptance. Methodology: This study was conducted in outpatient clinics of Gynecology Oncology and Medical Oncology at the Cancer Hospital AC Camargo - São Paulo. The total amount of subjects analyzed was 114 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any stage of the disease. Moreover, in each questionnaire, internal consistency (Cronbach\ s alpha), the convergent construct validity (Spearman correlation coefficient with domains of the SF-36 and HADS), the discriminant construct validity (comparison of mean scores of the second stage initial (I and II) x advanced (III and IV), Karnosfky (80-100 per cent vs. 50-70 per cent ), current disease (without evidence of disease X with evidence of disease), current treatment (treatment and post treatment) and degree of understanding were analysed. Reproducibility was checked after 2 weeks and analyzed by comparing means (Wilcoxon), coefficient of intraclass correlation and Bland-Altman. Results: The prognostic scales of the EORTC questionnaires OV28-and family welfare of the FACTO, had a Cronbach alpha value of 0.85 and 0.79, respectively. The majority of scales correlated significantly with the SF-36 and HADS; nonetheless, the ability of differentiation between comparison groups could be realised; therefore. both have presented good understanding. The questionnaire EORTC OV-28 had a lower average (5.10 min) in relation to the time spending to complete it. Furthermore, all questionnaires showed good levels of reproducibility. Conclusions: To sum up, the questionnaire EORTC OV 28 presented the best validity parameters, although the analysis were very similar between the questionnaires. Therefore, the investigator should firstly, consider which are the required aspects to evaluate to be able to make the correct choice


câncer de ovário ovarian cancer qualidade de vida quality of life questionários questionnaires

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