Validação de especificações de sistemas reativos: Definição e análise de critérios de teste. / Validation of the reactive systems specifications: definition and analysis of the testing criteria.




Reactive Systems are applied to several human activities and as failures in these systems may cause human or economical losses, it is required the use of high-quality software development processes that would lead to the production of high-quality products. This thesis investigates criteria for testing of Reactive Systemsbehavior specifications, specified either in Estelle or in Statecharts. These criteria systematize the testing activity and provide mechanisms for the software tests quality assessment. This thesis presents contributions to the three fundamental activities in the context of software testing, which are: definition of testing criteria, theoretical studies and tool development. In relation to the definition of testing criteria, it is proposed the use of Mutation Testing for Estelle specifications and the use of Control Flow Testing for Estelle and Statecharts specifications. For Mutation Testing, the errors types in Estelle specifications are identified; mutation operators are defined and incremental testing strategies are established. In this context, it is explored the alternative mutation criteria, which aim at reducing the cost of application of the Mutation Testing. For Control Flow Testing, two families of criteria are defined: SCCF - Statechart Coverage Criteria Family and ECCF - Estelle Coverage Criteria Family. Theoretical studies are accomplished to analyze the complexity of the Mutation Testing to Estelle and the inclusion relation for the FCCS and FCCE criteria. Case studies are conducted to evaluate the testing criteria defined in this thesis. The application of these criteria during the simulation of Estelle and Statecharts specifications is analyzed. The Proteum family tools, that support the application of Mutation Testing, and the simulation environments to Estelle (EDT) and Statecharts (StatSim) supply an essential base for tools development. Considerations about the definition of supporting tools to the application of the proposed criteria are realized.


estelle estelle statecharts teste de especificação testing criteria analysis análise de critérios de teste software testing teste de software specification testing statecharts

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