Validação de conteúdo das características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem fadiga no paciente oncológico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Nursing has increased its know how and qualified its care by utilizing the Nursing Care System (NCS). As a part of the NCS, Nursing Diagnosis (ND) are the basis for the nursing care planning. In oncology, besides evidencing the problems experienced by the patients with cancer, the NDs can improve their quality of life starting from appropriate interventions according to each case. In order to improve the NDs, especially those related to oncologic patients, this study aimed at validating the content of the Defining Characteristics (DC) of the Fatigue Nursing Diagnosis as described by the NANDA-I in adult oncologic patients according to the evaluation of expert nurses. For such purpose, a transversal and descriptive study was carried out under a quantitative perspective of the diagnostic content validation studies (DCV), proposed by Fehring. The data collection was made in a University Hospital. The sampling comprised 35 care nurses who were selected through the method of expert selection, adapted of Fehring, in connection with the intentional probabilistic sampling. For the data collection, one utilized an instrument divided into four parts. After the literature review, Impaired Social Interaction DC was added to the 19 DCs belonging to the NANDA-I. According to experts¿ opinion, major indicator was not found. As secondary indicators, 15 DCs were identified with weighted mean that varied between 0.54 and 0.79. With weighted mean lower than 0.50, four DCs were excluded: compromised concentration, listless, disinterest in surroundings and lethargic. The included DC, Impaired Social Interaction was validated with weighted mean of 0.71. The conclusion drawn is that the subjectivity of the CDs of the Fatigue ND and the difficulty of the professionals in recognizing them influence the identification of this diagnosis.


diagnóstico de enfermagem validation studies oncologic nursing fadiga enfermagem oncológica nursing diagnosis fatigue estudos de validação estudios de validación enfermería oncológica diagnóstico de enfermería fadiga

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