Vakhtangov in search of the theatricalization / Vakhtangov em busca da teatralidade




Vakhtangov in search of the theatricalization takes as an object of study the ways of formation of scene and the proposals for the work of the actor in the last works developed by the Russian director, in the years of 1920-1922, and his contributions for the contemporary theater. During this period, there were analysed the proposals of re-creation of concepts, already established by great directors of his time, principally Stanislávski and Meyerhold, and the different languages when the most important stagings were used for his: The Dibuk, The Princess Turandot, Eric XIV and O Saint s Miracle Antonio. We identify in his formation and in his practice like director that these assemblies drove it to the artistic maturity, besides an effective contribution for the modern theater, influencing great names of the theatrical scene of vanguard, like Grotowski and Eugenio Barba. The approach in his search for the theatricalism was constituted, fundamentally, by the analysis of his written ones during the assemblies or of artists who worked with Vakhtangov, someone still unpublished in Brazil. In the course of his short artistic trajectory, in which the director developed an intense activity in the theatrical studios, principally in the period powdersrevolutions of 1917, there were tried to observe the concepts of the theatricalism emphasized by Vakhtangov in his last assemblies and what allowed it to enter for the history of the theater of the Russian Vanguard


russian vanguard teatralidade theatracalization vanguarda russa

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