Vagrant women new views on the republican police (Rio de Janeiro, early Republic) / Vagabundas e conhecidas : novos olhares sobre a policia republicana (Rio de Janeiro, inicio seculo XX)




This dissertation is a study of cases of women who were arrested and judged for "vagrancy" in the city of Rio de Janeiro, during the first decades of the twentieth century. This dissertation aims to analyze the relationship between police and population in the early Republic. This kind of police documentation allows us to understand how different definitions of "vagrancy" could be used by both policemen, and witness, as well as arrested women and the men who defended them. The profiles of policemen and "vagrant women" changed along the time, which indicates changes in the kind of relations they established. The female defendants of vagrancy were under moral trials, where different conceptions of female honor would appear, associated with class and race identities


genero rio de janeiro (rj) brazil vagrancy gender vadiagem - rio de janeiro (rj) - historia

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