Utilization of sugarcane bagasse from sugar/alcohol industry for particleboard production / Aproveitamento do bagaço de cana da indústria sucroalcooleira na produção de painéis aglomerados




The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of bagasse in the production of particleboards. The experimental design was planed with thirteen treatments to assess the effect of the panels in layers, levels and types of adhesives and their associations in the panels layers, and comparison of physical and mechanical properties of panels produced i laboratorial scale, on an industrial scale from China using cane bagasse and also particle panels produced on an industrial scale from wood plantations in Brazil. For each treatment four panels with nominal density of 0.70 g / cm were evaluated. According to the results , it is possible to conclude that: homogeneous panels were statistically equal to or even superior than those panels produced in layers; For properties modulus, Modulus of rupture and Water absorption statistical difference between adhesives MUF and UF was not observed, the other properties of the MUF adhesive were statistically superior. In general, the homogeneous and panels with adhesive MUF were those with superior results than other panels produced in laboratory scale, this approach met all the values required by the rules with the exception of the elasticity modulus; The best result obtained for panels of bagasse produced in the laboratory and the panels produced on an industrial scale in China, were statistically equal to the panels produced in industrial scale, with wood from plantations in Brazil, concerning the analyzed properties.


sugar cane bagasse aglomerados particleboard propriedade físico-mecânicas madeira de eucalipto tratamento da madeira physical and mechanical properties eucalyptus wood bagaço de cana-de-açúcar

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