Utilização do Gás natural de Camisea (Peru) para a Viabilização de Sistemas Elétricos e de Gás no Norte e Centro Oeste do Brasil / Use of Natural Gas Camisea (Peru) for Feasibility of Gas and Electric Systems in North and Central Western Brazil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Cemisea´s natural gas reserves should play a major role in the natural gas and electricity market development in the southern region of Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Peru). As the development of the Camisea gasfields will considerably exceed the existing demand in Peru, the supply of natural gas could be oriented to more profitable markets in the region. Give the short distance from the Camisea natural gas reserves and their recent evolution, the most suitable markets are located in the Northern and Central Western regions of Brazil. This work assesses the technical and economic feasibility for the natural gas supply through a gasline from Camisea that would have its market in the States of Acre, Rondônia, Amazonas and Mato Grosso in Brazil. The main objective is to show the existence of a feasible option. The gasline would consist of a main line and two branches. The main line would go from Camisea (Peru) to Porto Velho (Brazil); the first branch would link Porto Velho to Manaus and the second branch would link Porto Velho and the city of Cáceres in Mato Grosso. In Cáceres, this branch would be connected to the gasline that will provide natural gas to the Cuiabá thermal power plant and, then, to the Bolivia Brazil gasline. Considering a price of natural gas in Camisea of US$ 1,00/MMBtu and a discount rate of 13 percent, the energy link between Peru and Brazil would be feasible under a technical and economic perspective even when taking into account (1) the markets of the electric power sector and large industries with conservative demands (i.e., growth rates of 6 percente per year), (2) without considering revenues of new industries and (3) with an average idle capacity for the gasline up to 39%.


gás natural natural gas

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