Utilização do extrato de própolis, do óleo de alho e da terapia tripla no controle do Helicobacter spp. em cães / Use of propolis extract, garlic oil and triple terapy in the control of Helicobacter spp. in dogs




The Helicobacter spp. inhabits men s stomach and animals. In human medicine it is one of the principal gastritis causes. The resistance of the Helicobacter pylori to the conventional treatment is one of the main problems that are found. This way, several alternative treatments have been proposed, as the use of propolis and garlic, that has been demonstrating its activity anti-H pylori through studies " in vitro ". The aim of this study was to determined if the colonization degrees for organisms similar to Helicobacter are sensitive to the employment of propolis extract and of garlic oil as natural bacteriostatics, decreasing thus the colonization and density of Helicobacter in the gastric mucous membrane of dogs, as well as the inflammatory alterations caused by this patogen. For so much, 28 dogs were selected with Helicobacter spp. and histologic alterations present in the endoscopic biopsies red-faced for Hematoxilin-eosin and Carbol-fucsina, and positive result for the urease test in the first 3 hours. Those animals were randomly separate in 4 groups of 7 components each. Group 1 was the control and received placebo capsules (empty), group 2 received 20 drops of propolis extract 30%, group 3 received 500mg of garlic oil in capsules every 24 hours for 30 days, and group 4 received conventional treatment for Helicobacter, consisting of Amoxicilin, Metronidazole and Omeprazol, in the dose of 20mg/Kg every 12 hours, 25mg/Kg and 20mg/Kg every 24 hours, for 15 days. At the end of the treatment the dogs new endoscopies and biopsies of the gastric mucous membrane were submitted to. For histologic analysis scores from 0 to 3 were attributed considering the average per field (400x) of spiraled bacteria and inflammatory number cells and glandular degenerative alterations. The prevalency of Helicobacter spp. identified for the histology (Hematoxilina-eosina and Carbol-Fucsina) and positivity in the urease test, was 100%, before the treatments. For the histopathologic examination most of the samples presented light infiltrated inflammatory (score 1), and severe density of Helicobacter spp. (score 3) before the treatment. From the treated animals that presented better results, it was accomplished with the triple therapy, presenting total eradication of Helicobacter spp. so much in the fundus as in the pylorus regions, being confirmed in practice due to the absence of the bacteria to the histopathologic examination and negative result to the fast urease test. However significant correlation was not observed in none of the variables analized in this study after the treatment. This way, the density of bacterias is not significantly correlated with the number of inflammatory cells, as well as the lymphoid nodules and glandular degeneration. The treatment with garlic oil in the used dose was effective in reducing the degeneration glandular in the fundic region as in the pilorus. However it was not effective in eradicating the Helicobacter spp. in dogs, it just reduced its colonization in some of the treated animals. The treatment with propolis extract in the used dose was not effective in reducing or even eradicating the Helicobacter spp. in dogs.


cão patologia animal stomach estômago infections veterinary gastroenterology propolis extract extrato de própolis gastroenterologia veterinária infecções helicobacter helicobacter dogs

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