Utilização de sulfeto como doador de elétrons para a desnitrificação autotrófica aplicada ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Utilization of sulfide as electron donor in autotrophic denitrification applied to treatment of domestic sewage




The feasibility of autotrophic denitrification of effluent from anaerobic reactor treating domestic sewage using sulfide as electron donor was evaluated. Prior researches reveals sulfide into liquid phase of effluents and biogas can be utilized as electron donor for denitrification. However, information about the interaction between carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles in this process are few to permit practice utilization of known fundamentals about denitrification in presence of sulfide. In this work, laboratory tests of denitrification in the presence of sulfide were carried out to evaluate potential employ of this compound as electron donor. Initially, 1 L flasks with immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam was fed with synthetic nitrified wastewater containing sulfide as donor and nitrite e nitrate as electron acceptors. Sulfide concentration was diversified to obtain different N/S ratios. Complete denitrification occurred with nitrate and nitrite; nevertheless, it was observed in a stable way only for N/S ratios smaller than stoichiometric rate based in the corresponding chemistry reactions, that is, when applied excess of sulfide. The results showed that total or partial sulfur compounds oxidation depends on N/S ratio and the nitrate removal rate was bigger than nitrite removal rate. Afterward, new assays were carried out in the same way. However, the flasks were fed with synthetic nitrified wastewater mixed to effluent from anaerobic reactor treating bird slaughterhouse wastewater, and nitrate was the only electron acceptor applied. In this case, complete denitrification was evidenced for stoichiometric N/S ratio relating to sulfide and nitrate. Nitrogen removal kinetic followed exponential decay model of first order; however, this behavior was due to mass transfer limitation in the liquid phase and intraparticular. Apparent specific rates of nitrogen removal found in the first phase were nearby 15 mgN/gSSV.h, with nitrate as well as nitrite application. In the second phase, maxima apparent specific rate of nitrogen removal in nitrate form was about 6 mgN/gSSV.h.


remoção de nitrogênio sulfide kinetic modelling domestic sewage electron donor mass transfer desnitrificação autotrófica doador de elétrons nitrogen removal esgoto sanitário autotrophic denitrification modelagem cinética transferência de massa sulfeto

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