Utilização de solo-cimento plastico em estacas escavadas com trado mecanico em Ilha Solteira-SP




The aim of this research was to verify the viability of the applicability of plastic-soil cement as a foundation element in terms of workability, resistance and deformation characteristics, load transfer to the soil and behavior after aging. For this, it was done intense laboratory study in the plastic-soil cement material and it was carried out six load tests in piles (L = 10 m, D = 32 cm) constructed for this research (three soil-cement pile and three concrete pile). Also, it was carried out reload tests in piles (L = 6 m, D = 20 cm) constructed five years ago and already tested in that time. Analysis were done, comparing the costs between plastic-soil cement and concrete piles, for various diameters. Field tests and laboratory tests were performed aiming this research and to create a experimental field for studies of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in the place. The soil utilized for the plastic-soil cement and the subsoil of the place are present in large extensions of areas in the center-south of Brazil.


solo-cimento estacas de concreto fundações (engenharia)

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