Utilização de redes neurais artificiais no diagnóstico de cardiopatias


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work is about the application of Artificial Neural Networks for the diagnosis of heart disease as arrhythmia and insufficience heart congestive. The followed steps had been: Acquisition and conditioning of the data to be applied as input of the nets; Training of several nets to choose that with the best performance. The neural network to diagnosis healthy people was what it presented the best performance, with 95,93% of rightness. Already the diagnosis of insufficience heart congestive it was of 91,70%, and the arrhythmia cardiac it was of 93,67% of rightness. Thus, it can be affirmed that the artificial neural networks will be able to help very to get fast and precise the diagnosis. It is as suggestion to future works to carry through the training with a well bigger number of data to carry through the training and still more improve the performance of the network.


cardiopatias - diagnóstico redes neurais artificiais inteligência artificial - engenharia heart diseases - diagnosis artificial neural network articial intelligence

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