Utilização de raspa de mandioca em substituição ao milho na alimentação de cabras Saanen em lactação.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of inclusion of cassava instead of maize as feed for dairy goats of Saanen. The results were discussed in two chapters, the first consisting of the nutrient consumption, production, composition and physical characteristics of milk and the second digestibility and ingestive behavior of animals. Five lactating goats were used with an average production of 2 kg of milk per day allotted to a 5x5 Latin square design with five levels of inclusion of cassava (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) replacing corn. The dry matter intake in grams (g/day) in relation to body weight (%BW) and gram metabolic weight showed a quadratic behavior as a function of inclusion levels of cassava instead of maize grits. The intake of nutrients followed the behavior of dry matter intake. NDF intake, expressed in kilograms, depending on body weight and metabolic weight decreased linearly and non-fibrous carbohydrates linear increase. The replacement of cracked corn by cassava production did not affect kg of milk and milk yield corrected for 3.5% fat. The fat and total solids of milk in kg and percentage were not affected by inclusion levels of cassava instead of maize. The protein showed a linear increased and lactose quadratic effect. The physical characteristics of pH, temperature and density were not affected by inclusion levels of cassava instead of maize. The apparent digestibility of DM, CP, OM, TC was not affected by the replacement levels of ground corn for cassava. The apparent digestibility of the NDF fraction decreased linearly while that of CNF increased linearly with the increase of cassava in diets. Feeding behavior in all studied variables was not influenced by the inclusion of zest in place of corn. In dairy goats with produce of 2,0kg of milk per day, the corn grain can be completely replaced by cassava, resulting in increased nutrient intake above 30% inclusion, without changing the physical characteristics and production of milk, positively just changes the protein and lactose. The replacement of cracked corn by cassava did not affect the digestibility and chewing behavior of lactating goats. However, chalking and non-fiber carbohydrate of cassava are characteristics that should be considered.


consumo de nutrientes digestibilidade composição do leite comportamento ingestivo cabra saanen raspa de mandioca alimento alternativo zootecnia goats od saanen alternative feed cane sugar non-fibrous carbohydrates

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