Utilização de microhabitat por três espécies de roedores cricetídeos em um Cerrado do Brasil Central




The aim ofthe present study was to investigate the utilization of microhabitat by Calomystener,Necromys lasiurus andThalpomys lasiotis,andthe factorsthat affect the abundance of these cricetid species in open areas of fields with murundus, a kind of vegetation of the Central Brazil Cerrado. The study was conducted in a conservation area (Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas), Planaltina town, Federal District, from July to September, 2004. Population densities of the three animal species and eight microhabitats variables were recorded in two grids with 100 trapping station each. Calomys tener was negatively associated to the number of trees and positively to grass percentage and numbers of termite nest. It was found a significant difference among used microhabitat variables for this species by comparing males and females. For Necromys lasiurus the most important variables were proximity between trees and number of trees. Thalpomys lasiotis was negatively associated to tree diameters and had a positive association to proximity between trees. Calomys tener and T. lasiotis seemed to have more specificity to microhabitat gradients than N. lasiurus. Canonical Correspondence Analysessuggest that microhabitat variables are not good to predictors of communitys composition in murundus fields of the Cerrado areas, during the dry season. However, it was found that these microhabitats variables are in fact selected by individuals andspecies.


calomystener ecologia necromyslasiurus thalpomyslasiotis necromyslasiurus calomystener murundus murundus thalpomyslasiotis

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