Utilização de matéria orgânica no controle de nematóide das galhas em alface sob cultivo protegido




This research was carried out aiming to evaluate the effect of organic manure in the control of root-knot nematodes in lettuce cv. Verônica. Organic cattle and chicken manure were evaluated; they are both used for vegetable production in the region. The experiment was carried out at Estação Experimental de Biologia, University of Brasilia, from July to November 2008. The experiment was conducted under the design of subdivided parcels 3x10, represented by two races of M. incognita (races 1 and 3) and M. javanica as parcel, and the 10 treatments as subparcel: 1 no fertilization; 2 chemical; four doses of cattle manure (3, 4, 5, 6) based on 3,0 kg/m2: 3 50%, 4 100%, 5 150% e 6 200%; and four doses of chicken manure (7, 8, 9, 10) based on 1,2 kg/m2: 7 50%, 8 100%, 9 150% e 10 200%. The nematode inoculation was performed 15 days after transplanting with 5.000 nematode eggs per vessel. Fresh and dry matter weight for plant and fresh root weight, gals number, egg mass and eggs number in the root system and reproduction factor were evaluated. Meloidogyne javanica was less affected in its biological characteristics showing to be more aggressive to the plant compared to the others. Meloidogyne incognita r 1 and 3, on the other hand, were more susceptible to cattle manure, an indication that this type of fertilization can present a suppressive effect over this particular specie of nematodes.


lactuca sativa l. controle nematodes fertilização orgânica nematóides agronomia lactuca sativa l. organic fertilization control

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