Utilização das águas da fermentação do polvilho azedo na elaboração de uma nova bebida




Cassava starch sour wastewater is an effluent from cassava starch fermentation process. Fermentation wastewater was studied to a non alcoholic refreshing new beverage production, originally named #Frëshpa#. The principal barrier is mask the cassava starch sour characteristic flavor, conferred by lactic, propionic, butyric acids and other volatile compounds from cassava starch natural fermentation. Between assayed formulations, acerola, grape and tangerine taste were selected. Microbiology characteristic show beverages adequate to consume, and sensory evaluation by acceptation assay with good intention of buy. Total solids content, pH and titrable acidity were determined during the conservation on refrigeration of the screened wastewater and beverages. The wastewater pH during the storage is different of the beverage pH. The titrable acidity curves to the tangerine and grape taste was similar to the wastewater, but the acerola beverage presented significant difference after the second week of storage. Significant difference occurs to the total solids, pH and acidity for all storage time, showing that added ingredients influences on beverage stability. Microbiology assay for yeasts, molds and mesophylic bacteria suggests the necessity of profound changes on cassava starch sour processing, permitting the conversion from effluent in a product for human consumption, with application of Good Fabrication Practices procedures. Lactobacillus plantarum content was lower that the ocentration to probiotics beverage, but it presence suggest future works with this beverage. The product is naturally gaseous as a soft drink, refreshing and presents centesimal composition similar to this kind of beverage in market. Mass balance to the production of cassava starch sour on Cleaner Technology concept, suggest the possibility of the industrial process income increase by new products, with the production of 40 L of Frëshpa by ton of cassava root besides the cassava starch sour and other products from cassava processing.


bebidas engenharia de alimentos tecnologia de alimentos fermentação engenharia de alimentos avaliacao sensorial polvilho

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