Utilização da técnica de co-krigagem com inclinação máxima e altitude do terreno no delineamento de zonas de manejo: granulometria do solo e disponibilidade hídrica / Using the technique of cokriging with maximum slope of the terrain and altitude in the delineation of management zones: grain size and soil water availability


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In Brazil, few studied are related about soil sampling strategies in areas with more than one type soil and various features of the landscape, these strategies are important to map the spatial variability of physical attributes: size fractions, as well as the correlation of these with geomorphologic parameters: altitude and maximum slope of the sampled area of the multivariate extension of kriging, cokriging. This extension allows multivariate combination of two dependent variables to generate new information correlated with the model cross variance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial correlation between the distribution of particle size fraction with the parameters of altitude and terrain slope through a maximum aggregate sample density (100x100 and 50x50m) with two levels of sample density, 20x20 and 40x40m. The study was an area of 180 ha, where fractions of collected soil at a sampling grid aggregate, ie an arrangement 100x100m sample and three sub-grids 50x50m randomly distributed in the area. We performed a descriptive statistical analysis of data processed in the laboratory and spatial analysis through models of variance. In possession of the adjusted models in the analysis of variogram for kriging interpolation performed for the fractions and through the variogram crossed by cokriging, the correlations of these fractions with the data obtained by digital elevation model, altitude and the maximum slope of the land area and compared, through maps, these same correlations in different sampling densities. From the models generated maps, it was reached the following results: there was a moderate variability in size fractions and a moderate spatial dependence. In accordance with parameters of cross (semi)variance the spatial distribution of the sand fraction correlated with altitude and the maximum slope did not differ significantly from the levels of sample density 20x20m and 40x40m, virtually no correlation between the sand fraction and altitude because it did not show a definite pattern of spatial distribution. It can be concluded that the slope influenced the distribution of soil physical attributes studieds. It was also quantified the water availability in the area under the center pivot equipment, it was found a strong correlation of the attribute clay + silt with TAW (total available water), emphasizing the dependence on water availability in relation to soil physical properties.


altitude atitudes granulometria do solo hidrogeologia hydrogeology inclinação máxima krigagem krigagem maximum slope soil particle size

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