UtilizaÃÃo de fatores locacionais de perdas no planejamento da expansÃo de sistemas de transmissÃo




This work presents a diagnosis and suggests changes to the planning criteria currently in use in the Brazilian electric sector, focusing on the way how to treat the electrical losses in the analyses for determining the expansion of the Basic Network, due to the recent creation of a methodology for calculating Loss Factors in the electrical system, considering not only the generated or consumed power sums, but also their locations (electrical distances). It was evidenced that the generators and retailers will need to pay attention and be enough informed about the evolution of the systemâs configuration and its impact on the price of the power losses incurred, calculated in accordance with the new methodology for loss allocation, so that they can choose enterprises that are economically viable also in the long term. Due to the amount of power losses in the transmission network and to the strong influence of the configurationâs evolution in the nodal Loss Factors, it is necessary to include this new piece of information in the results of the studies carried out by CCPE, allowing to the agents best conditions for choosing the places where they can connect themselves to the network, in order to avoid decisions based only on the available information for the current operating network, that may turn out infeasible in the future, with the implementation of the reinforcements planned for the system


redes de transmissÃo - perdas elÃtricas engenharia eletrica planejamento de sistemas de transmissÃo elÃtrica engenharia elÃtrica - anÃlise de sistemas de potÃncia

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