Útero cosmos - hibridações de meios, sistemas e poéticas de um sky - art interativo / Útero cosmos - hibridações de meios, sistemas e poéticas de um sky - art interativo




This thesis of Doctorate presents the trilogy ÚTERO COSMOS (Uterus therefore Cosmos), of my authorship (Agnus Valente), as a result of a hybrid creative praxis that was developed in a Visual Poetics Research, complemented by a reflexive study of metalanguage about the hybridation operations of the productive Media, artistic Systems and Poetics, that were undertaken for the constitution of its artistic corpus, and also proposes three theoretical contributions to the studies of the Heuristic Methods of Creation the innovative concepts of intersensorial hybridation, intertextual-semiotic hybridation and interformative hybridation whose amplitude allow us to apply them not only in the digital art but also in many fields of the artistic creation. ÚTERO COSMOS is an interactive sky-art, conceived in March of 2002, that proposes a constellative metaphor in the digital environment. The project, not limited to the hybridism as theme, explores creatively the hybrid potentiality of the support, involving Digital Poetics, Concrete Poetry, Intertextuality, Intersemiotic Translation and Interactivity as factors propitious to hybridations. The project was developed on-line (official site agnusvalente.com) in a structure of both work in process and work in progress, in three editions titled On-line Gestation (2003), Constellations (2005) and Expansions (2008), in which the artworks and the versions of its creation process were cumulatively preserved. As author-proposer, I engaged to the project the multimedia artist Nardo Germano, my twin brother with whom I share my inaugural hybridation of poetics, as well as the masters of the Concrete Poetry Augusto de Campos, Décio Pignatari, Haroldo de Campos and Ronaldo Azeredo and my masters of the Visual Arts Carmela Gross, Julio Plaza and Regina Silveira artists who influenced my production and whose poetics are validated, in my personal poetics, by deep artistic affinities and filiations. Starting from the artistic praxis, I conceived the concepts of intersensorial hybridation, intertextual-semiotic hybridation and interformative hybridation, organized according to the predominant occurrence in the creative operations. With respect to the hybridation of Media, I recognize in the digital medium, which I elected to develop this project, an intersensorial hybridation characterized by the simultaneous articulation of visual, tactile, kinetics and audio information. As for the hybridation of Systems, founded on the hybridity of the Concrete Poetry that mixes Literature and Visual Arts, I formulate the concept of intertextual-semiotic hybridation, that employes the meaning of the term text expanded from the verbal to the visual codes and other signs systems (Kristeva, Bense, Peirce), based on poetic or critical intertextuality (Perrone-Moysés) and on intersemiotic translation (Jakobson, Plaza). Concerning to the hybridation of Poetics as historical artistic movements and/or personal poetics the operations involve respectively intertextua l-semiotic hybridation and the operation which I denominate as interformative hybridation, this one formulated according to the concept of formativity (Pareyson), perceptible in the production ambit (co-authorial creations, intersemiotic translations, influences and/or artistic dialogues) and in the reception ambit (interactive artworks that absorb the interactors formativity). Concluding, the unity of the operated hybridations in ÚTERO COSMOS is founded on my hybrid poetics and, particularly, on my own formative unity as a person that defines me as a synthesizer artist therefore hybrid syntonized with a poetic project by the light of a constellative metaphor of Art.


hibridação intertextual-semiótica interformative hybridation intertextualidade e tradução intersemiótica digital art and concrete poetry formativity hibridação interformativa intersensorial hybridation arte digital e poesia concreta hibridação intersensorial digital poetics and interactivity formatividade intertextual-semiotic hybridation poéticas digitais e interatividade hibridismo e poéticas híbridas intertextuality and intersemiotic translation hybridism and hybrid poetics

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