Usos do imaginário nos estudos afro-brasileiros e no culto umbandista / Usages from the imaginary in the african-brazilian studies and in the umbanda cult




Jungs analytical psychology is one of the main psychological approaches in the study of the African-Brazilian religions, contributing with the understanding of this universe. This traditions researchers are attracted by these religions for being them crowded with phenomena, like the clairvoyance, trance, impersonation, among others, which have vital importance in the existence of their followers, and that are classified as belonging to the imaginary by some academic currents and, sometimes, they are treated as a false perception of the reality, at being considered as imagination subproducts. People have never checked whether the Jungian works reflect this position or not and how they have been able to reflect the fields cosmovision. The goal of this research is: 1) gather an explicitation on the umbanda conception about this imaginary; 2) contrast this conception with one of the main theoretical models applied to the African-Brazilian studies, the analytical psychology; 3) contribute for a dialogue between the scientific psychology and the cosmovision developed in the scope of the African-Brazilian religiosity. The contributors (clairvoyant mediums) have been selected from the contact with umbanda yards in Ribeirao Preto and Piracicaba. Due to their imaginative talents, they have been followed individually, reporting their experiences, being observed in ritual performances, in which we pay attention to the imagination processes (trance state, previsions, dreams, clairvoyance, past memories etc). For reaching beyond the participant observation, audio recordings from the narratives, obtained from semi-structured interviews, notes on a field data notebook, as well as impressions were used. In parallel, an analysis about the Jungian studies regarding the African-Brazilian religiosity was made. About the field and academic material, the systemization of their replies was made on a triple question: Which is the ontological, epistemological and psychological statute from the imaginary? From the obtained replies, subsides were raised for discussing divergence points and similarities between both models which, despite their differences, allowed us to show intersections, to relate incompatibilities and, mainly, to rescue nuances from the phenomenon which escape the academic model. The results show that terms like individuation, group unconsciousness, archetype, and psychological types are not always used as effective Jungian concepts, which seems to indicate that they have acquired a heuristic value which trespasses the borders of the analytical psychology. The Jungian works under analysis overcome the pathologizing posture frequently attributed to the phenomena of the imaginary by classic researchers like Nina Rodrigues, Arthur Ramos and Jung himself, but they do not escape psychologizing biases which, mostly distort the fields cosmovision, contributing to the reduction of phenomena enhanced from ethnocentric models (CNPq).


clairvoyance etnopsicologia ethnopsychology analytical psychology umbanda vidência umbanda african-brazilian afro-brasileiro psicologia analítica

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