Uso de macroinvertebrados bentônicos na avaliação do impacto antropogênico às nascentes do Parque Estadual do Jaraguá, São Paulo, SP / The use of benthic macroinvertebrates for the assessment of anthropogenic impact on streams of Jaraguá State Park, São Paulo, SP




Due to the importance of benthic macroinvertebrates to assess water quality and the advantages of their utilization as bioindicators, these organisms were employed to assess the possible antropogenic impact in four streams located in Jaraguá State Park (São Paulo, SP). In each stream the benthic macroinvertebrates were collected in 5 pools and 5 riffles with a Surber sampler (0,04m2, 500 ?m mesh size). This study is divided in two chapters. The first compares the benthic macroinvertebrate community structure between pools and riffles. The families Cyclopidae, Talitridae, Leptoceridae, Psychodidae and Stratiomyidae were present exclusively in pools, while Perlidae and Simuliidae were exclusive of riffles. In both habitats, Chironomidae relative abundance was high. In the second chapter, eleven metrics were tested for the analysis of environmental quality of streams. Four of them (Shannon-Wiener diversity, dominance, EPT/Total, and IBMF) showed differences related to the degree of impact anthropogenic on streams and were used to compose a multimetric index


anthropogenic impact métricas. metrics. invertebrados bentônicos poções corredeiras benthic macroinvertebrates impacto antropogênico pools riffles

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