Uso de imagens de alta resolução para definição de corredores verdes na cidade de São Paulo / Use of high-resolution images to define greenways in the city of Sao Paulo




The presence of green areas in the cities brings uncountable improvements to them and also makes better citizens life. Urban vegetative elements contribute to reduce a phenomenon known as urban heat island; it softens inundations and peoples respiratory problems, besides its esthetical, leisure and educational functions. Although Brazilian cities growth was not supported by an urban planning that would have leaded expansion and also could have reserved green areas, as it is in São Paulo city. A metropolis which has social and environment problems that each day help to damage quality of people life with the image of the stress, pollution and violence center. Geoprocessing and remote sensing have been used successfully to evaluate urban area and, specially, urban forestry presence. Thus, it was used high definition images to indicate proprietary areas to be urban forestry in three zones of São Paulo, using the concept of greenways: Moocas administrative region, Sés administrative region and Pinheiross administrative region. For this, it was evaluated many methods to obtain physical data from São Paulo city urban area, through high-resolution image classification techniques. The method Stepwise Linear proved to be most appropriate for this research. Also it was evaluated variables studied that influence green presence in the city: vegetation index and slope; and flooding points and quantity of tree cover. These last two variables not showed correlation. By means of these variables were indicated priority areas for greenways. Satellite images from different periods were compared to observe and study green areas evolution in the city. Therefore, offering directions to guide São Paulo city toward to urban sustainability


afforestation arborização environmental planing espaço urbano espaços verdes geoprocessamento geoprocessing green places planejamento ambiental remote sensing. sensoriamento remoto. urban place

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