Uso de geoteconologias para gestão de assentamentos de reforma agrária




This work has been developed on the agrarian reform projects: Capão Bonito I, Capão Bonito II, Capão Bonito III and São Pedro, located between the coordinates 211102 and 212146 South Latitude e 545400 e 544511 West Longitude, with a population of 759 families. The present study has the objective of to develop a management tool for the agricultural reform sites using GIS (Geographic Information System). Looking for this, using FreeHand (Macromedia, 1999) and its plugin, Mapublisher 4.0 (Avenza, 2000) have been developed geological, soils, slope and land cover sheets. The map algebra has generated a Environmental Vulnerability Map. Also looking for the utilization of the GIS as a decision and support tool, have been constructed a social-economic data bank of Capão Bonito II site, which has been efficient on the generation of thematic maps related to the population and agricultural systems of the parcels. At the end of the work has been possible to propose intervention ways on the sites created or to be created, looking for minimize and to monitor the environmental impacts.


banco de dados socioeconômicos environmental vulnerability assentamentos de reforma agrária social- economic data bank sig vulnerabilidade ambiental geociencias gis agrarian reform sites

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