Uso de fármacos e consumo de nutrientes por idosos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Background : Physiological changes related to aging leads to nutritional deficiencies that may be aggravated by inadequate intake of nutrients in the diet and polypharmacy. Objectives : The paper 1 had the objective of analyzing the potential pharmacological interactions among drugs taken by elderly patients. The paper 2 aimed to determine the profile of nutrients consumption and the paper 3 proposed to associate the inadequate intake with nutrient depletion caused by drugs. Methods : A cross-sectional observational population based study was performed by the Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IGG), PUCRS. We retrospectively analyzed the database provided by IGG composed of 512 elderly persons and epidemiologic indicators. In paper 1, drugs were classified using the Anatomical Therapeutic and Chemical Classification System (ATC). Drug-durg interactions and their severity were assessed using the software Micromedex Healthcare Series. In the paper 2 dietary intake was assessed by the 24-hour food recall Survey and the Research Dietetic History. Nutritional composition of daily diet was calculated using the Nutwin software. In the paper 3 the amount of nutrients intake in daily diet was compared to Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) for inadequate consumption analyses and it was considered inadequate values below the EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) and above the UL (tolerable Upper Intake Level). Drugs used were associated with inadequate intake nutrients depleted by such drugs. Results : Paper 1 showed a high prevalence of use of drugs by elderly with significant statistical difference between genders. Age group between 70 and 79 years old use more drugs than others. Paper 2 showed that men consumed more calories, protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrate and calcium intake increase with advancing age, as well decreases zinc intake. Physical exercise has increased intake of calorie, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. The higher education and family income increased intake of vitamins B complex. Paper 3 pointed that acetylsalicylic acid, hydrochlorothiazide and proton pump inhibitors are responsible for the most number of nutrients depletion. Furthermore, 97% of users of hypolipidemic enzyme inhibitor hydroxymethyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase have inadequate intake of vitamin E, 90% of potassium-sparing diuretic users have inadequate intake of magnesium, 83.3% of digoxin users have inadequate consumption of magnesium and 58.3% of inadequate for calcium and potassium; People that has used anti-ulcers H2 antagonists have 83.3% of inadequate of folate consumption. The analyses of hidroclorothiazide, acetylsalicylic acid and furosemide pointed 83.2%, 82.1% and 80% of respectively inadequate intake of potassium. Conclusions : The number of drugs used by elderly increases with age. Women are the largest users of drugs, as well as pointed higher number of nutrient deficiencies in daily diet. Drugs most commonly used are also involved in drug interactions and responsible for depletion of several micronutrients that showed a high prevalence of inadequate intake by elderly


medicina gerontologia geriatria idosos envelhecimento interaÇÕes de medicamentos idosos - nutriÇÃo medicina

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