Uso da Radiação ionizante  em polímeros de embalagens: conhecimento social: uma análise qualitativa / Use of ionizing radiation in polymer packaging: social knowledge: a qualitative analysis


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of knowledge of parts the population (represented by layman and students, and professionals who work in areas with possible applications of radioactivity) related to the benefits of ionizing radiation on polymer packaging foodstuff. The basic questions raised here were intended to prompt answers that could supply parameters of analysis to confirm or to deny that the population in general ignore radioactivity and its applications in the field of foodstuff, besides not appear to be prepared to shift its paradigms, deep-rooted by impressions that remain strong, which are fed by occurrences of nuclear accidents broadcast mainly through the television media. This qualitative study is grounded by Bachelard (1996), who emphasize the need of a well structured preparation when the aim is to extract the truths from classes that insist, for being shame of not knowing, in misrepresent answers, which otherwise sincere, could point important ways to be followed along by the education field to change well-known characteristics in this field of a knowledge, based on a common sense that became slightly or no scientific at all. Therefore, this work is guided by an academic bias that shows, in its objects of research, elements (questionnaire and interviews) necessary to find out the true beliefs of people on the radioactivity. Unfortunately the answers are not encouraging, showing that there is a huge unknowing, even from professionals, about the theme. Finally the major goal of this research has not been only an investigation, but the elucidation of the need to give start to educational actions that could change the reality that is drawn in this country today and, only through this change, it is possible to reach in a satisfactory level a breakthrough in the nuclear technology field though social support and acceptation.


ionizing radiation irradiação irradiation radiação ionizante radioactivity radioatividade

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