Uso da base de dados decundária KOG como ferramenta para caracterização de expressão gênica e mineração de dados em projetos transcriptoma




A set of new results, techniques and tools are presented in this work for data mining and to help in the analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) generated by transcriptome projects. The secondary database KOG was utilized as a tool in the alignment and automatic annotation of ESTs from four organisms, A. thaliana, C. elegans, D. melanogaster e H. sapiens. These alignments were utilized to many purposes and in many experiments, like: inference of similarity cutoffs utilizing tBLASTn with ESTs and proteins from the same organism; development of an annotation test with EST and KOG proteins; evaluation of the quality of annotation by using the cutoff values discovered; evaluation of the quality of annotation by using uniques generated by the TGICL software; functional characterization of ESTs with KOG; evaluation of KOG coverage with incremental EST number and inference of a minimal number of EST to cover it; creation of a web tool named K-EST that makes available the EST sampling data with KOG and also the conservation data among KOG clusters; inference of gene loss, or at least loss of gene expression in organisms belonging or not to the KOG database, by using EST sampling data and conservation.


expressão gênica teses. mineração de dados (computação) teses. bioinformática teses. sequência de nucleotídios teses.

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