User-producer interaction and innovative learning in local productive systems: an analysis of interactions in the footwear machinery industry and it users. / Relações usuário-produtor e aprendizado inovativo em sistemas locais de produção: uma análise de interações na indústria de máquinas para calçados e seus usuários.




This master dissertation focuses on the competitiveness of the capital goods producers, by looking at the user-producer interaction in the two main Local Productive Systems of footwear in Brazil, the Sinos Valley (RS) and Franca (SP). By this way, it is characterized the modes of learning generated by the interaction between machinery firms and its users of the footwear chain and its effects for the capital goods producers. To do this, there were two different research strategies, the analysis of secondary data, and a empirical survey with capital goods producers. The footwear capital goods producers present a great technological diversity of outputs manufactured under order and flexibility in the attendance of different types of users, with different productive specialization. Additionally, the information flows with their users, the footwear producers, have contributed to the technological development of the capital goods. However, it could be seen that the segment of customized manufacturers of machines presents a trend to accumulate relatively more capabilities. The main results show that the learning process that comes from the interaction between machinery producers and their users can vary in function of the competitive characteristics of the capital goods segments, of the supply structure and the macroeconomic fluctuations. So, its clear that the Local Production Systems plays an important role in fostering the local linkages among manufacturing and knowledge systems, in order to improve of the technological capabilities of Brazilian machinery producers.


technological learning localização industrial industry of capital good indústria de bens de capital aprendizagem tecnológica slps clusters clusters

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