Use of the quotient De Liocourt in the evaluation of the diametric distribution in fragments of Ombrophylous Forest, Pernambuco State. / Utilização do quociente de De Liocourt na avaliação da distribuição diamétrica em fragmentos de Floresta Ombrófila em Pernambuco.




The general objective of this work was to use the quotient of De Liocourt in the evaluation of the diametric distribution in fragments of Ombrophylous Forest located in the city of Catende, Pernambuco state - Brazil, having as specific objectives: to describe the diametric structure of the fragments and the species of greater of Value of Importance (VI). And to evaluate the degradation and the succession state of the studied areas. The diametric distribution had shown uneven-aged forests because the diametric curve of distribution resembling a reverse J-shaped. The values of basal area in the fragments had been of 23,6 and 20,9 m2.ha-1, for Mata das Caldeiras and Mata das Galinhas. The fragments had been in secondary average period of succession and they were suffering interference in their structure diametric in consequence of the constant interventions of men. Some species had presented difficulties in the conscription tax, this causes the extinguishing of some species in the future. Quotient q of De Liocourt may be used to evaluate diametric structure in fragments of Atlantic Forest. The diametric distribution and of the gotten values of q, for the period of succession found in the areas, it can be inferred that disturbance in these fragments occurs of constant form. Species, like Tapirira guianensis, Dialium guianense and Brosimum discolor, had demonstrated diametric structure distinct among the fragments. The specie Plathymenia foliolosa had presented accented discontinuities in the diametric structure in both the areas.


diametric structure fragmentação florestal florestas ombrófila distúrbios antrópicos dense ombrophylou forest quotient of de liocourt anthropogenic disturbance recursos florestais e engenharia florestal quociente de de liocourt estrutura diamétrica ciência florestal forest fragmentation

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