Use of space, time and diet of exotics Callithrix sp. in forest habitat and anthropic area at Ilha Grande, RJ / Uso do espaço, do tempo e dieta de Callithrix sp. exóticos em ambiente de floresta e área antrópica na Ilha Grande, RJ




Currently, the genus Callithrix has been receiving special attention by presenting threatened species, as well as, exotic ones, which have been causing problems to native fauna in areas where they were introduced. Knowing the ecology of these species is of great importance to subsidize the management of their populations. In this sense, the aim of this study was to raise information on the use of space, time and diet of two mixed groups of C. jacchus and C. penicillata in an anthropized and a forested area at Ilha Grande, RJ. We use the scanning registration method with instantaneous sampling to estimate the time spent by each group in each habitat, consuming different food items and in their daily activities. The groups differed markedly in the habitat use. When compared the intake of food items the groups differed significantly only in the consumption of fruits. The time allocated between different activities differed significantly among the groups in the forest area and anthropic area. Our results indicate a considerable plasticity in the ecology of C. jacchus and C.penicillata species and that these species can cause major impacts to wildlife of Atlantic Forest areas where they were introduced.


orçamento temporal mata atlântica espécies exóticas callithrix penicillata uso do habitat uso do habitat callithrix penicillata mata atlântica ecologia orçamento temporal callithrix jacchus callithrix jacchus espécies exóticas

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