Use of conducting polymers and copolymers for the detection of organic compouds / Utilização de polímeros e copolímeros condutores na detecção de compostos orgânicos




The study of conducting polymers has intensified in recent years due to their wide range of possible technological applications. The present work the objective of contributing to this area by developing sensors that use conducting polymers (PAni and POMA and copolymers of PAni/POMA) for the determination of organic compounds (Hydroquinone). Polymeric films were obtained by cyclic voltammetry (electropolymerization) in different solutions. The films obtained were subsequently characterized electrochemically ? also using cyclic voltammetry. Structural characterization of the films was performed using ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV-vis) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) with the morphology studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The PAni, POMA and PAOMA films synthesized in HCl presented the best detection indexes at thicknesses of 2.82, 1.10 and 0.039 nm, respectively. The films synthesized in H2SO4 had the best detection indexes at thicknesses of 1.34, 1.40 e 0.032 nm, respectively.


detector detector polyaniline polímero polianilina polymer

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