Urban climate Ponta Grossa-PR: an approach to climate dynamics in subtropical Brazilian city average / Clima urbano em Ponta Grossa - PR: uma abordagem da dinâmica climática em cidade média subtropical brasileira




The human being has led to changes in climate through the transformation of nature, whether for its occupation of space, is to develop its activities. To the extent that the man is concentrated in certain áreas, pressure on the natural conditions increases. The city is one of the best examples of the concentration of people and activities in one place and also the intense human interference in the environment. Environmental changes caused by human actions generate consequences as to create a special climate, the urban climate. By describing this climate it appears that in the context of the city different microclimates occur directly related to the presence of the elements comprising the environment produced by the process of urbanization - the urban área. The intensity with which the urban climate makes them perceive depends on the size of the city, the model of occupation, the activities developed, number of inhabitants and the degree of induced changes in the environment. The urban área of Ponta Grossa, Parana state, a subtropical city of 310 thousand inhabitants, has irregular relief, with many of the valleys, with extensive occupation horizontal stretching in all directions and especially in the vertical center, is the área study of this work. In seeking to identify the climate of the city of Ponta Grossa, was developed fieldwork for the production of data on local climate, which were treated by statistical techniques and GIS programs, which resulted in an extensive map material, which allowed to make some important inferences about the urban climate. The findings show that the urban climate of Ponta Grossa, as in other urban áreas is affected by the construction, the movement of vehicles, the absence or presence of urban tree planting and by natural conditions such as altitude and exposure of slopes. Moreover, the regional climate conditions also act forcefully in the city, as in the advance of cold fronts, when the entry of air masses and the action of the winds predominantly blow from the east, northeast and southeast. Finally it was felt that there is the formation of heat islands in the city center, but with shifts to the south of the city, even where there is a more intense process of urbanization, and to the west where the combination of urbanization, intensive presence of the valleys with exposure to áreas of predominantly North quadrant to favor the higher temperatures. Finally, the results point to the fact that the study of urban climate of Ponta Grossa can be used for planning and review of the master plan, as there are indications that it is possible to improve the quality of life of the population in some áreas of city with a plan that takes into account the characteristics of the local climate.


clima urbano planejamento statistical techniques técnicas estatísticas ponta grossa planning ponta grossa urban climate urban área Área urbana

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