Understanding the growth and yield of sugarcane: evaluating the Mosicas model / Entendendo o crescimento e produção da cana de açúcar: avaliação do modelo Mosicas




There are many sugarcane growth simulation models developed Brazil, but their application is not usual in the sugarcane industry. Countries like France, South Africa and Australia developed models using computer softwares with successful application by sugarcane farmers and their associated mills. The aim of this research was to evaluate four varieties (R570, RB72454, NCo376 e SP83-2847) under Brazilian conditions using Mosicas, a growth simulation model developed by Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Dévelopment. The NCo376 variety, because its genetic characteristics, presented the greatest number of tillers, superior than the others varieties. The Mosicas simulated results, for total shoot dry weight, stalks biomass, yield, leaf area index and height had good correlation with the observed values. The Mosicas model has a good potential for use in research for the understanding of sugarcane growth under Brazilian conditions.


crescimento vegetal irrigação simulation phenology simulação (estatística) fenologia perfilhação tillering irrigation leaf area cana-de-açúcar fisiologia vegetal physiology

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